понедельник, 6 января 2020 г.


L teg eerda, Corm. I have, I believe, proved that this n has almost always originally belonged to the termination of the word lumiediately preciMling that to which it seems prefixed. Fifty, even twenty years hence, the production of such a work woultl be impossible. Quot genera habet hec terminacio r in tercia declinacione? JRetla gL steUa , gen. The termination -ach must then be some agglutinated word or particle, though such seems at first not offered by the Welsh lexicons. I have never foimd the word with this meaning: mc tocha senta em camera lenta

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Mc Tocha e Dada Boladao Mc Skilo e Derk - Senta Em Camera Lenta

Siegfried has thus translated: Tiaraeh gL postella, i. Braen aimsire gL im- ber, rain-shower.

The following forms connected with a word so famous as Briton will probably interest: He saw the two women [coming] towards him — one of them [with] a green cloak around her, the other [with] a red, fiTe-folded cloak round her". I, trogan, a marg. Let this be placed continually in [the] place wherein thou makest thy water.

Mc Tocha e Dada Boladao Mc Skilo e Derk - Senta Em Camera Lenta-1

He read the canon with Germanus ; this histories make known. Ldgmar is an adjective, formed by adding the common suffix -mar to log merces, pretium: Moladh gL adulatio laus, cf.

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Nil' bu chaladfi euBoehtaeh: Here Irish has retained the old form better than her Celtic sisters, the W. The word seems to occur in an obscure 1 " Volo pro legentis fiicilitate abut!

Geal white0.

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MedJtg gL serum, wheyW. Amaisc gL amusca I cannot explain. This Gildas was the son of Cxmera, a disciple of Iltut, and, in the opinion of his countrymen, an " egregius scolasticus et scriptor optimus" Bees' Camhro- British Saints ; Llandovery,pp.

Saithech na tuise gl. L 6 uf is credintibus bautisium [. Or he was a sage-abbot Or a chief of every hUl, i.

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O'K's " arhhay s. Observe in — Bretnachy from Bretan Colmannam hretan, supra, No. Arg, and is probably con- nected with banna "drop" ni contesbad hanna ass, Brogan, 1. In the middle of fair Derry.

Full text of "irish glosses a medlaeval tract on latin declension"

Mucc mora gL delphinlit "pig of [the] sea" cf. Cloideam swordW. I have never met crombeol, except in the Anglicised form crommeal: Tengad tonguewhence infra tenytachf dotengtach.

Since the Fall, inasmuch as man's body became mortal, it has been capable of injury, and will remain so until he shall again receive an immortal body through the resurrection. The name in question occurs in the following passage from the Book of Armagh, 18 b, i: Bru na hoighe gl.

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Dimma is lsnta to have written this A. The glosses have been placed under the text, their numerous contractions expanded, and such expan- sions represented by italics. Shall we read hanchoigle and proseda, a prostitute?

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